I spent this morning at Dawson Taylor. I left Casey off her leash and she wandered around and all the patrons smiled and petted her. The air was warm. Tess and I sat and sipped coffee with our tattoos and our dogs. She just got a Great Pyrenees puppy, cutest thing in the world. Everyone comes up and talks to us. Asks us how old our dogs are (I lie and say eight) and what our tattoos mean. And I love love love it here.
We went back to her apartment, across the street from Boise High. There's an extra room. It's adorable. Rent is $425. Split between two people, that's nothing.
Austin and I are becoming quite close. We walked around the zoo yesterday. We watch public access TV and make fun of it. I'm always laughing. We eat Thai food and are kind of Buddhist.
My dog rides shot gun. She's the love of my life.
I get so worried about money. NAU costs 10,000 a semester. I am worried that the journalism program is no better than Boise State, but a hell lot more expensive and away from what is becoming my favorite place in the world. Flagstaff has no river. Flagstaff has HIM.
The night we stayed there, we stayed with a girl who just finished the journalism program at NAU. Did I tell you that? She ranted and raved at how awful the program is. How the newspaper just went bankrupt. How one of the Lumberjack's headlines made it onto the Tonight Show when Jay Leno makes fun of newspaper headlines. "Lady Jacks off to a great start." $20,000 a year. Four years. $80,000. No Greenbelt. No Tessa. No Dawson Taylor. No Boise River. No Casey. No Mom. My mom and I are closer than ever. Same with my dad. Same with this city.
But this is the choice I made.
Make a decision and make it work, my darling daughter. You will have so many amazing experiences at NAU that you would never have if you don't go. And Boise will always be here. As will I.
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