Thursday, June 10, 2010

Finally, jellyfish appeared.

Am I pregnant? Breast feeding? No.

Do I realize that it is in fact permanent, that infection is always possible? Yes.

The first hour, he drew with Sharpie. My hand fell asleep. Anticipation of a needle. I have no idea what this will feel like.

"It feels like someone pinching you over and over again."

"It feels like a sunburn."

"The first five minutes are the worst."

"The end is definitely the worst."

"Red hurts the most."

"It feels like a very angry wasp humping you."

It's a feeling I can't describe, and frankly, no one else can either. It's almost fun, almost exhilarating, almost sexy. It's annoying and making faces doesn't make it hurt less. It's gorgeous and I love it. It's too big to my parents, it's better than I imagined, it's a jellyfish.

The second hour, he dipped the tip in magenta. Here it goes. Oh, that's it? That's what it feels like. He outlined.

The third, he filled in with color. Pinks and white. Finally, jellyfish appeared.


Anonymous said...

To ink, or not to ink. Is that the question? Obsession? Compulsion? What to ink? Where to ink? Nothing is permanent. Art fades like the sun and stars. B.E.

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